mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Friday, October 29, 2010

I Thank God each night

That he walks with my children as they may not always walk with him . When they could be lead a stray . You hear about horrible things and not so good things . My daughter Nicole is 16 a jr a whole life a head of her .. She had an old friend have a baby this summer wow here parent kicked her out . Sad thing is when my daughter was friends maybe 3/4 or so with her you know she was going to be trouble when she was older . Her dad was abusive and there was something wrong with mom could never point to what but i would say drug but i did not . Dad was so strike AS his kids was never going to be the one that got prego and guess what . she did and they kick her out not really sure how she doing living with other old friends family i heard last . Then yesterday i heard of another family from our church friends with my daughter years ago like 8and 10 year ago just had a baby also i think she like 17/18 . Worst the boyfriend babies daddy got mad at baby mom went into the house she was living in her parents house and burnt it down . they lost everything house will be fix but killed their cat and dog and everything gone baby six week old . so so sad .
Oh brings me back to my children my god .. This last family was a good christen family they grow up in our
church with my children same Sunday school , retreats family involved ? where's it go wrong why children stray . How do we as parents prevent this . Is there anything we can do ? I think we can but am not sure we can 100% prevent things .
Like i have addiction in my family my children are higher risk and % says one of my four will have addiction issue ? Can i prevent it . I do believe environment over genics so i hope so . But i have to have faith god will guide my children the right path if i do my job .
wow sometime i think 20 years this would of not been me .. I was lucky to survive own teen years let alone survive my own now teens years. Have an 19 year old son and 16 year old daughter and two more daughter behide am blessed everyday for having wonderful children making good choices .

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