mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Sunday, November 22, 2009

world wind life raising kids

where this month go . i have thought many time come to post or write .
there so much going on so i live one day and don't know much ahead of it . i have always lived my life this was helps with stress . i mean i am a planning , list maker and love note cards and post it notes lol . i plan for vacations sport fee and holidays . Christmas . Christmas to me is much simply then what it used to be . i love sitting down and having family dinner , watching my kids sing in church on Christmas eve and being in the Christmas play .
we have had some heart breaks this week my oldest dd got cut from basketball high school , it was a little shocker as she a great Athletic but basketball not her main sport . she also hurt all through try out and wrong shoes all three days . och ok we are over and i am sure bigger and better things to come .
i kind of miss my son it been like a month or it seems scents he been home be home Tuesday night yahoo .... until Sunday . i just want to see he ok i guess . i am one proud mama though .'
the girls they are good keeping us jumping busy both play basketball that 3 to 4 nights a week between two off them
one or two nights at church or and school . we all doing good growing up so much i wish some times i could freeze that time for just a minute .
i feel very blessed this Christmas
work is good , dh at least working part time . on average with looks of staying on most of the time .
i am taking little pieces of my house and clearing them out and cleaning them up i sure wish i had more time to do it or hum engery to or the want but bady sets are good right . today was bathroom closet and upstair bathroom and set up holiday deco out side (had to the weather was great )

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why didnot i know parents was not easy for my mom

i hate all the choose we make to be good parents . i know sounds funny but i wish i could get my kids to understand . i know it sucks i say no but i have reason . it not easy for me either to say no . why did not i know this when i was a kid a teen . why i am i just learning this now at 40 . i love my kids i do anything and i am a parents that will specific things for my children . time and money if there is spent with them (with in reason of course and balance it all ) . i just want what best for them , keeping them safe helping them grow up making good decisions of course . why is it hard and as teens harder for them to see . it all dumb stuff but to a teen i know it now and they think i am the meanest mom in world . it a fine line to walk to find a medium and not push them to far away . i am sure some of the thing i say no would be OK . my kids are good kids , get good grade ,decanted to sportsmanship and they church but still they are teens and my job to guild them and say no ! i am sure tomorrow it be something new to say no to and one of them wont like me much tomorrow . joys of parent hood i guess .