mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Monday, May 31, 2010

Well long week end comes to end and a few thoughts

first am thankful for the men , women and family that serve and stand next to others that serve . i know many and many family but a small part of me is thankful my son not over serving right now . i still will stand next to him supporting him for he pick to join and serve . but a small part of me as a mom to let my baby boy serve .. but am thankful for all that have and all the family that miss a love one . My middle daughter just did a report for evening at school on support the military . i was pruond and she came to a more understanding .
4 more days and my oldest daughter should be driving on her own . am i ready is she ready . sure hate driving with her . not sure who going to die first her or me ........................
here a good thing about having children 10yr apart the two alders can help teach the other two to drive . right?? might try .
know that list i think i talked about getting down well i should of posted it here as i didnot get any done ! oops but it was good to know do much of anything . i need to kick but tomorrow my 1/2 day and this week going to fly on by .........
busy and crazy week coming at the Rogers house
5th grade grad....
softball game
hockey practice
softball practice
12 softball games coming this week end
one going to college hopeful he can get in his first pick ! (he transferring we hope)
one taking driving test hopeful she pass is above i dont want want to drive with her anymore .....
ok busy up and down week to come and oh yah got to work to some where in there ........

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Well made it through the week

we all did . many things i love to get done this long week end so we will see how it all goes .. everyone good . Dh working sat and Sunday and hopeful fishing Monday (he deserves it ) me went out last night for my mommy birthday .. now sent to work shopping first couponing this morning . then clean up a little finish wash and make dinner for tonight .then tomorrow start on yard work and take girls to movies . then more house work . (that list ) enjoy all i will

Monday, May 24, 2010

It is only tuesday and i need the week end to come !

i have only work 1/2 day so far this week but this week and next is crazy busy ! so i have had in three days 8 softball games and one tomorrow also , took on to dentist , wash uniforms hum and towels three times already in three days . and a school functions tomorrow night . and it only Tuesday ! crazy . ok tired and load in dryer now so off to bed and start tomorrow all over .

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Towels , sock and uniform guess it

Laundry omg i always have some much it never ends her . softball uniforms , sock and towels . three girls make so much laundry and a mess .
Well another busy tire week end and Monday here already all i can say .

Friday, May 21, 2010

Names will never hurt but they do and when and how to protect your children

why oh why do kids call each other names . so my littlest came home two days a week and told her sis (10 months older 10yr old ) some kids called her a homo (i am not sure how to ever spell that ) well middle daughter of course told us . i feel bad as if you know Dani she the sweetest most Innocent kid you know . really she does not even know what that means . sometime i wish i could keep them in a big bubble . oh yah it all over a pair of socks that have rainbow on them really ? i remember the day someone called my son gay , he had a sweat shirt on that had words gap on it (kids said it stands for gay and pride ) ahh why are kids mean to each other . how to protect them from other mean kids and even worst to make sure our kids done grow up to be one of these kids .
well another busy week- end 5 softball games or 6 on a nice sunny weekend love it

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So we got the bad news he not a match anymore

so we will see how this plays outs . we still might do the exchange programs still a long long shoot. Otto finds a match but we will see . it almost a feel of let down and i told them what we have been doing for the last few weeks . even as it bad news we wanted them to know we where trying just not standing by letting him die with out thinking of them . so knew phase will come . keep prays for this family and if Brian meant to help then he will find a match .

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our we someone Hero

the plea for our friends is called a hero for otto .. finding him a hero . we should no tomorrow . my husband called Monday and she was off today and was told to call tomorrow . my husband has as much anxiety to tell them as i do . we decide we are telling him (them his wife Amy) even if we not his hero. even if we are a go tomorrow (bloods mixing as i call it ) we already are a match then next part even harder (i guess on 3%) chance you find someone . oops lost track Brian has to go through all the physical and metal testing . they make sure he will never need this kidney ever and he physical able to recover and be healthy for a long time plus even might have to do metal testing . could you be someone hero you really don't knows . honesty i am not sure i could . of course i would do it for a family member parents , children sibling but some one you don't know or barley know ? like my husband said i talk to man a few times (us mom talks more of course as we are woman and have common bond being a moms . spent many weekend at a ball park together and my husband with our oldest and so he not always there.
Is my husband their hero . i guess today the person contact person said to tell them as otto body could go anytime . ok enough of that
like talk about college student back living at home ! do i say more going well working i think no he the poor person that delivery million phonebooks to your door step . what a job lots of hard work but pay seems well . so we will see how it goes . how long it last .
almost driving teen say anymore there .... counting days down to school ends .
Peer teens well they are driving me crazy they are both over tired and it driving me crazy.. when did you first shave ? my kind of rules middle school or of course hair under arm well Randi remember a year or two of her peers wants to shave so so bad and ahh i guess i should let her but why have to grow up so early and want to do all these grow up things when you should be playing with dolls and beads still .
well good nite am tired and hope son home soon so we can all be tucked in tight for the night

Sunday, May 16, 2010

my world still mine

Is not that funny you can never get away from your self . actual i have grown to like my self and my life . we don't have a lot but am good for it and seems to always work out and i think we give our children a pretty good life . at least i hope they grow up and think so . i wish other in my life could figure this out at 40 and 60 or what ever age they are at . well it was a wonderful week end , great weather , softball and yard work . and (we did not talk about the donor or the transplant or what you like to call it . ) i think it was on our mines a little as we where hoping the next step will be next week . which i think the scares for Brian (my husband ) it just the full physical . he always thinks he dieing of something (makes me laugh actual ) but never goes to doctors . so it a catch 22 there . i think what was lining on us is it about time for us to tell them . maybe give them some hope or let them know before they run into each other at the U . that be funny well not but a little . we discuss if we didn't tell anyone and they just both disappear for the same amount of weeks (during softball season when we see them 4x a week or more and all the same families and all gone for around 4 to 6 weeks ) how about the hospital am i going to hide from her while my husband in one room and her in other . ok we decide problem not a good idea and what we have read or should say Brian read it important to most .
enough of that too more i am sure this week .
life goes on still raising 4 kids two teens and two preteens ,dealing with smart mouth , dating , finding jobs , driving and well just all the hills and bumps life gives as parents. i wouldnot trade it for a minute .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Really not a great week for anxiety

ok first last post to update but anxiety waiting for blood to mix and how this is going to change our life (biggest thing is money worry but what if ) really am not worried about what if but what if . if that make sense . i could not do this i dont think if we where the ones waiting for the body part to keep my husband alive . no way . we are doing something safe on our part and a few thousands buck not going to kills up right .
my car my car has decide to break boohoo and we where not sure what wrong with it . it not playing nice ... giving us mix signs dumb shit car!
my son moved back home maybe just for summer , maybe for a year or two . he does not want to go back to hibbing it to far away . he thinking 4yr st cloud ? they have a good law enforcement program so i guess we will see in fall and possible and go look at it .
all to much to think about for in one week plus everything else my easy going non busy live has to offer . oh yah as i am writing this my middle daughter just hurt her self doing a back flip in the living room and can not walk and it hurts to breath . never a peaceful minute .
i am starting to thinking this things really dont happen in most today life's of mom , nay they do .

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

not sure this has to do with mom in today world but this is my life

My husband and will say darling is willing and in the process to give his kidney to some one we don't know well . there i said it . little back ground my daughter play with a girls that her dad is dieing and waiting for a kidney he has had two others one f. one was 15 yrs and other just 6 days and rejected it . he was born with a rare diese and all the meds and other issue his whole body shouting down and starting to fail so he needs one . My husband Brian has decide he will be his donor or if no a good match trade his kidney for one that does . Wow ok i am good , i understand why he doing it and we have as a family talk tons about my husband reason and i sure hope if it was us someone would step up and save my husband , child or my self . we are not worried about any medical issues or him self dying . none of that scares me or him . our kids understand it and now (there friends sister also has this and will need one also ) and my girls say we would give ours to her of course they cant but you get there point .
1# reason he cannot look this family in eye when and if he dies knowing he did not do anything .
2# if it was one of us he hope someone do the same for his family
3# he say he has selfless reason also like he did something with his life and saved someone that is amazing . (as we are goingthrought this process am not sure why more don't )
#4. many more but not getting into them no you understand the point
my only concern is my dh off work and no income for 2 months he does not get paid , not short term . vacation nothing . but that a sacrifice we have to make for another family . we will and can make it through . ..
just wanted it out more to come ............................
The family does not know and i see and talk to them 3 to 5 times a week but we are not sharing this news with Brian family or them at this time .
we did not want to share with them and give them hope as we still in first stage for this process .it weird they don't have to know who gave the kidney . the transplant can not share anything with the family unless we say . i guess so husband could pull out for any reason any time . it weird i was so excited and want to share with this family dh was a match but couldn't . it actual a little creepy as i was looking at this two men on Sunday at our daughters games sitting in out field together watching the game not know what one doing for the other . weird a little . we don't want them to feel like they are tied to us or own us anything ? nothing like that we don't want these feeling tied to it . time will tell and we will see . it like 10 in 100% and we only make it to the first round . oh yah my husband has universal blood so anyone ever need anything you know whereto look (smile )

Sunday, May 9, 2010

What does it mean to me to be a mother ?

I think it is the most important job i can do . i believe it will stay with my children for ever what i do today will make them tomorrow . no no i am no where near prefect but i try to teach and resepct things from them so they will turn into good people . as my oldest say my son always says you taught me better . funny kid smart kid ! i did get a text from him today and he be home for summer or long thursday ..Bitter sweet when they come back (i save that for another day )
People other parents some not ask how i do it , i would not do it meaning spending so much time on my children . i believe my time is a sacrifice i make as a parent. ever scents my first child my life did not be come own. i am now two or three 4 and 5 . i spend a lot of time taking my kids here or there . my children play sports and before that when little we did preschool or ECFE , dance . parks and zoo's . as my husband say to me tonight after , you ready for these long week end tired Sunday nights yep ! it only a few more years then they wont need me their any more . they wont be playing sports , they may have there own families . so this time is for them . i made a choice to have children so it my job and sacrifice i make for these children am raising .
I want my children to remember i was there for them good and bad , i supported them for what they wanted to do ..
I want them to remember i loved them and loved them unconditionally matter what .

so what my blog say :
read above
happy mothers day all and iam greateful for my mother , her mother and my children that made me a mother .

Thursday, May 6, 2010

it been 6 days wow time flying buy

i am busy with work , spring bring softball season for us . meaning 5 days high school practice , 3 night practice and 3 to 9 plus games a week this week i think we have 9. plus school , that little thing work . oh yah work busy here . But i am thinking about my son , it weights on me . my baby boy 18 an adult . first year of colleges behind him . he moving home .. going to school down here and live at home the next semester or two . iam ok with this he 18 . i think living at home another year a good thing . i could see him moving out in year and going to school down here . i think he first misses his friends , 2nd maybe his home , 3rd his family . we have had some freshman issue speeding ticket or two . och ! a few drop classes . (he was taking 19 credit first semester and 18 2nd that just two much for him ) we are going to move this 12 credits and see if goes better and mommy heavy hand. hehe