mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Randi going to middle school wow

6th grade here she comes .Am still worry if we made right choice by letting her skip a grade . Breath . her test score are still off charts and she in top math class . so i guess she 1/2 ready . but is she physical and mentally ready ?Are any of them ?Many changes girls be in different school for the first time in 5 years . they wont have each other as they had always been able to fall onto . i will have 4 children in 4 different school Elementary , middle , high school and college OK don't laugh am as am writing this . Are kids go from a little school of less then 500 and know everyone and every teacher as we been there for ever and all teacher have watch my girls grow up . now she going to a school with like 2500 kids hug cross over whole school to classes . locker the fear of the lockers ! every 6th grader has here . she excited as i hope she been . Onto the next open house tomorrow . and everyone back in school in a week ...

Monday, August 30, 2010

genetics or enviroment which will win ?

I believe environment . my son showing me this . he know he has an addicting personalty in a 19 year old way . and he has decide not to drink or use any drugs as he has this personality and a family history . wow that amazing to me as i would not ever got that at 18 and 19 yrs old .As Friday i pick him at the train from school he says i have great role models and i say who ? he said you and dad ...

Monday .. Bring the begining of a new week and ......

Well 5 more days of work until the school ager head back to school ..i think moms should never work 5 days . we need 3 days week ends to get everything done . dont you think !
so we had my youngest 10 birthday party at the beach it went really well and she had a lot of fun ..glad it over it is weird i have kids in my house 50 hours a week but hate birthday party , sleep over weird . so this week we have open house and finish everything for school

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Some of you know my 2nd job as i call it couponing !

A little back ground i started couponing and got hooked a few years back when dh was losing his business . And i was thinking of getting a part time job . ok part time job what it going to pay pre week 200 most i be lucky and well time i dont have away from my family as they all in school now . so our food bill was like $1,200 or so a month . firs thing i did is got rid of milk man and Simmons . then i started clipping and watching add . But then i started ready amazing blogs and site on coupons . match up on sale and coupon. i learn how to stock pile items we use all time . like cereal ? peanutbutter , soup in winter .
so here an example last night i went to target, Walgreen's ,rainbow and cub .. they are very close like cross street from each other or have to pass to go home so no big trip running here or there.
so first Rainbow check sale match up coupons
6 gm cereal
1pk cottontail tp
strawberry jelly
1 lean cuisine
2 bag cat food
Paid.44cents plus got a free milk and free eggs
so this is how it works
buy 6 gm cereal save 10 off instant and get free milk and eggs
i had a free gm cheerio coupon and used 2 $1off 2 gm cereal and .75 off one and it doubles coupons on wed. (so it took $21.oo off 6 boxes cereal )so they paid me to buy the cereal i used my over toward other items . cat food was free as i had a free coupon that expire on 9/1
i have 1/1 lean cuisine and they on sale for 1.88 which gave me overage .12 cents
cottontail was on sale 1.88 double a .50 coupon making it after double .88
so it came to .44
Then i hit Target i paid 3.15
pack of gum
bag of carrot
1lb or 2 cherry
2 tee for me to sleep in they are so so soft
2 mini loaf bread
3 pks of del fruit cups
2 sobe
1 coffee creamer
2 bic pack pencil
2 shampoos

then i headed to cub same parking lot
first i bought 10 items and paid 10.43 and got back 10.00
wes oil
6 ken dressing free on sale 10/10 had 1 off coupon
6 pams 1/1 plus cub instant .50 when buy 10 items
2 reddi wip 1/1
1 chicken pop pie 1/1
then i took that 10 and went and got
5 12pk pop on sale 1.76
2 pack goldfish (need for party and on sale 10/10) had .50/1
Oscar my bacon sale 2.99 plus 1/1 coupon
one bag hot chip for dd she gave me a 1.00
5lb potatoes sale .98
paid 4.00

then on way home hit Walgreen's
6 Butterfingers candy bars sale 2/1 minus 1/2 coupon so free
8 stuffer mac and cheese and hot pockets sale 1.50 each 1/1 each plus get 5.00 back
so i spent 5.00 cash and got 5.00 back to use next time .

so there my part time job in a nut shell .
i try now to keep my budget to $400 a month in summer and 250.00 in winter while kids are in school
ps i pick up my free milk and eggs to use today and tomorrow hard boil eggs anyone ................

So i spent 22.00 and i saved 120.00 plus a free milk 3.25 free eggs 1.75 and have a 5.00 cat grant total of 130.00 saving .

Monday, August 23, 2010

it just never end !!

I guess that what happen when have 4 kids and still raising them . I have had so many extra bill this summer and they are still coming . Oldest need extra 400.00 tonight for book when am already saving up 800 to 900 for oldest as she needs that for ball in a week or two . Plus two out of town trips.Ahh just want to scream or give up . Then my job stressing me as am cutting income in 1/2 in a week . ok just needed to scream for a minute !!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Well another week end to end and just two well three things on my mine

First, two weeks until school starts .. that all i have to say 10 more days of day care with my children . yahoo !!!
ok then there this little issue i am tired of picking up things on the floor around house of the kids . i was thinking a quarter for ever idea i have to put away??? something needs to give . i mean they pick up big messy and all but really do i have to go around and pick up things in every room and put them away that i did not take out .. ok done with my rant !
Then there a little issue called money . you know my oldest goes to private school which hum cost me a new car each year that all i tell you how much it cost but then there thing call travel ball she plays and well that cost another car each year . when enough enough. am sure just stressing over it and will all work out .
nite all !!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Baby10 today ... no more single number children

10 years today . Aaron was 9 Nicole 6 and Randi 101/2 months hehe and then Dani came along . Randi need a play mate and my husband knew she was going to be a boy But Danielle Michelle is a girls . she is a tom boy and loves outdoor like her dad and brother . she got the kind heart and really know right from wrong (except when it comes to her sister ). she is a mommy girls like my son also . she going into 5th grade this year and we having a beach party next Saturday with her friends .. hope gets warm again ..........She loves softball and basketball . loves the twins and cake boss. (she got twins ticket for her birthday )she an awesome kid. Happy Birthday my baby girl.!
sometimes it a little sad them growing up . it the best thing i will do is raise my children but it hard to give them their wings to fly .............. i love you Dani

Monday, August 16, 2010

Where that parenting book you have when you kids are babies ?

i need oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! i am struggling and when am struggling i start to 2nd guess my parenting and what we are teaching our children . i 2nd guess my value iam teaching my kids . i want them to be greatful and understand they are lucky for what they have . never to take it for granted . am i sure i am doing that ?nope! maybe just the age 19,16 and 10 they are now . My husband and i work both very hard for what we have and what we can do for our children . maybe i am wrong but sometimes as older they get i want them to know what i do Scarface for them . i mean i believe it my job to as am a parent and choice to have children but i think we go beyond what we have to do . ?maybe i am thinking wrong . my husband and i have gave up a lot for our children with private school and traveling sports . time and money come with both of these . i would not change a thing and mostly i believe we are raising great children but boy some days i like to see these great children in my home !!
maybe summer getting to me and i am ready to start new school year , or maybe i just see to much of my lovely four children . son will leave this sat or Sunday i mean as he has to work this week end and head to school for the first week back in college . oldest daughter my bright , smart beautiful 16 year old daughter will be a jr in high school . and the girls 10 well Dani 10 Wednesday . Randi is going into 6th grade middle school , new school new classes to channeling her, musical instrument and new faces of a whole new world , ps i hate middle school with first two it was rough . and we already having issue with her and her gifted behaviors coming out and having issue controlling them . or maybe the mature not there so we will see how many times we be at school . god help us ! little D 10 also going through something Major anger not sure how to help her or even sometime how to handle it . so hopeful we can have a pretty peaceful rest of summer .21 more days meaning hay 14 more work days before school get here and starts wow ! my job becomes easier once the children are all set in school .

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday start of the week or end of the week end ...

So Sunday night i reflex on the week to come , in our house never easy going in 101 direction. kids are still enjoying the summer . son last week home then i drop him off at college again for his 2nd year . amazing . Then i reflex on the week end which also full of 101 things . my oldest just make some big choice on here softball career. she tried out for the top team in her age group in the state and she made it . This was not a easy choice she going to give up some good best friend she played with for the last 41/2 year . plus great family we have grown to love as family and good friends . This choice comes with specifics for her and us as a family more time for her and more time for us , more money and travel . (i know how can we manage anymore right ) . This team more a long her college dreams playing ball . she only got two more years left .
Side note my two younger girls are driving me crazy both need angery managment classes and need to stop the screaming around here .
R gets so focus on something she can not stop until it fixed , done or she happy about it , it crazy . not sure how to help her deal with this she filps .

Thursday, August 12, 2010

so we can breath but still i think i just want this month over

so the car back . i am still pissed that this women does not get in no trouble .i sure don't understand sometimes . it crazy if you ask me .oh my how do you protect your children from people like this . he was just being a good guy helping a friend out when this friends mom took total advance of him . for all you parents that have children say under 10 please remember this phase will pass and they will be one of your easier times in parenting. i keep asking my self this last year from my son going to 18 to 19 when do you stop parenting , do we ever . i am still close to my parents ? we are blessed nothing happen and everything ok . a little parking ticket we have to pay .

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

what a day !

now where to start or how to explain . my son a lovely good kid , giving and always as husband say want to be the hero , help everyone .................... well this time it got to him . i always say he take in all stray animals ...
well his friends mom took his car and has not returned it. it been hum 30 hours now . left my son 19 , 16 year old daughter and 8 yr old son home alone and just never came home . never called tell her daughter where she at . omg i wanted to kill this women . first how do you take something and not return it . say your going to store and not come back for a day or two .. at least i am thinking she show up at home soon . really how long would you leave your kids alone with out them knowing where you are . really . sorry if this is not making any senses as this does not make sense to me . crazy !! who the heck are these people really . ok really in son defence , if an adult a friends mom and say can i borrow your car to grab milk of course he going to say yes . right she going to store be right back . omg ........ ok all messed oh kicker police can not do anything for 30 days as he gave her the keys . so unless she get a ticket , or park it in wrong spot . nothing for 30 days .. until stolen. what crazy to me this is not a chain saw someone borrowed this is a car.
ok i still cannot think straight and well i better stop my heart racing again .
here the question how do i teach him to keep him self safe and not be taken for a ride !!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

well i though many time this week to post but just living in my own world .
busy with work ,busy with back to school shopping . i have two side to this one i am not sure all the over dose of back to shopping .but on other hand i like to get it out of way and not worry for another 6 month or year until someone needs something . (ok with 4 kids never that long with out someone needing something ) i already know in a few month one needs a new jacket for sure and possible another basketball shoes . so my middle daughter was bugging me last few weeks about back to school shopping and well i decide to bit bullet and said 100.00 each little ones so i take three girls shopping one spent all money , other spent 60% or so and other spent her 60% also plus got uniform pants (see this dont count in budget hum their or mine ......... hehe i love to hate uniforms by the way i would say i spend around 200.00 on them plus a few more sprit clothes a year so 300.00 but to hate as i need to buy here everyday clothes as she has dress down days ,week end fun things so we have to buy two sets of clothes.
so here where my heart is torn i love back to school shopping , i think every child deserves to feel good about going back to school and if and it does have to do with looking nice and wearing new items .
so what should be spent on back to school shopping ?
i say 4 kids three and son in college he dont cost much like i buy hair cut, shoes and sock ? that about it for him.
but three girls shoes usually two pairs like running or basketball and everyday . one is usually cheap other kind of spendy . then clothes , uniforms and then school supplies . not sure i want to add ....................
ok now am depressed and nothing in saving this month i see .
i really dont go over board either , one daughter youngest spent all here money one outfit pants , shirt and sweatshirt , other shirt and shoes all for 100 . that just example does anyone else hate spending 40 to 50 for sweatshirts for there kids (these are school ones , sport ones and or name brand ones they all want . ) crazy three sweatshirt 100 or more ..
ok off my rage of school shopping .....................

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

well back to work back from vacation and well i enjoy having time off

i missed the girls a little but it was nice break from us and they had a blast . thanks mom for help taking them while we where gone .
37 days left before school start and wow a lot to do first open house tonight , many doctor appointments and shopping . uniforms to buy never ends does it .
my son goes back in two weeks to college and moving to a new college .
My youngest daughter dani will be 10 this month .
so much going on ...