mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

where too start

i have so much to say but i wont board my self so i pick one point today to write about
i want to say i am thankful as i was driving home today from cub and reflexing on my life two house down moved out three months ago really no notice and now two house other side of me movied out really no notice these are owners not not renter this are families with 5 and 6 children . it makes me thankful and sad at same time . i am so so grateful i am no where losing ,my house . or my job !
now things have not been easy raising four kids one in college one in private high school and 2 younger ones while dh lost his business after 10 yrs .we have huge dept from the lost but i think positive and things will work out . on to positive note as i am thankful i am needing to move my family form there home , school and friends .
With this Christmas season coming on us i want my kids to be grateful as am for my life we live . do they know . i had a long time friend a friends i was friends with in grade school (that ages me ) tell me i went to visit her maybe 10 yr ago after not seeing or talking for about 20yr anyway she still lives in same small town we grow up . she said this is the poorest county in the state of California hum i did not know how poor i was . i am mean i know we did not have a lot of money i did not get everything i wanted and times where hard . we moved a ton when i was a kid but my . i possible felt a little different then other kids but that was because my family was different . i hope my children don't feel like that ever but i want them to be greatful for what they have .
i want them to remember this season it not what you want but what you have . i want them to remember there will always be other with more and lothers with less .... hard lesson to live with .

Friday, December 18, 2009


i have been busy focus on Christmas with my own family and childcare .
present i don't think my list is to long i do do my girls school staff . i do the childcare children , my parents and my brother but that it . then comes my four children . two still believe or want to believe in Santa . i try to do three gift from us (usually book and clothes when younger used to get pj to wear that night ) then three gift from Santa and a stocking . now times this all by 4 kids it a lot of gift under that tree 24 gifts or more .. i really don't want to ever over due gift to my children , they have all the need but i love to give them one want the at Christmas isn't that Christmas about in the magic of the season.
i also don't want to lose site of the reason for season for my children and we try not we have many traditions to hold this to heart .
well my sons home for christmas break his grade are pretty good for a freeman first semter if he continutes through college with these grade i be happy he not a A student or should say he got many A through the year but not his thing does what it take to get through and well that good enough for him . so we got two A three B and a C so not bad .....

as this year comes to an end i sit and reflex how far all the kids have come and where we are all going ... merry christmas