mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Do we ever stop worring about our children

I worry more now the older i am or could be the older my children get . i don't think my anxiety with my children was worst when i was younger and they where young .. maybe cause i could keep them close and safe . and now they leave and are on their own more .. i Am thankful and blessed but i worry .. My son tells me it is going to be OK .... i worry my children will be safe if some one gangs up on son , car accident , will my son be able to do college .. I am I a good enough parent these kind of these . are we parenting wrong ? will someone hurt one of my daughters .. It can drive me crazy at time thinking all my anxiety about my kids ..
i feel there problems are bigger and i can not fix them always . some teen just have to work issues out .. heart hurts and all .. i have gone to bed crying for my kids as i can not fix there pain .. nothing hurts more . i sometime wounder if my parents did ? i sure dont remember them hurting when i hurt or showing it . worring about me . i believe they did . did it hurt as much as i do ? it funny tho thinking of my parents i caused their pain and worry . my kids dont do anything that cause it . they are all good kids , good valuses , moral , work hard , have good friends and good goals. so why worry so much it hurts .

Friday, May 29, 2009

sports parents

Do sports keep kids out of trouble ? do they balance children life ? do they make them disciplined? motivated , over works, competition ? or does it cause stress , perfection , to much pressure ? i try really hard to balance my kids life with family , church , school ,sports and friends . i have two very perfectest children and i worried about the being prefect , they get prefect grades , have to be best at everything , both play a position that can win or lose a game .practice practice and practice to be that prefect pitcher .. it it all to much ..
another thought also do we spend to much on it ? my girls do clinics , camps own there own equipment ect ? where the line .. is there one ?
out of the next 30 days i only looked at June we have 5 nights , or days that don't have someone playing softball ... next year can be worst as we could have three playing on 3 different teams ..
we don't do any of these to make them better then anyone else , we don't do it to really make them better and would never do anything they did not want to do .. i have had long talks with my oldest daughter about if she ever want to quit i will support here .. would i be sad ? yes , would i think it was all worth it yes for sure , (1,000;s of dallors spent ) i think we fig last year how much we spent on softball one year on our oldest it was around 5,000 with out counting all the week end tournaments (that i am sure with out gas cost 100 or 150 plus usually two cars with a tank or two of gas och ......
why dont some parents let there kids play sports is it the kid or parents ? i have had friends so oh i forgot to sign them up . or how do you afford it .. it high on our list , we dont spend it at the bar (dont drink ) dont buy extra ,i drive older van ... cut other vacation out , dh cut fishing trips out .. kids first we only have them 18 years then we have to let them fly . as i am finding as my oldest leave for college in a few month (omg cry )
As a mom not a dad or coach i feel it should be fun , learning and teaching the kids the love of the game .. so it can be a life time of fun and playing . it does not matter what sport it is . but at time it heart breaking when they come from the field or car cryng ..feeling like they did not do good or blow the game . how do we handle this as a parent ,this is a life teaching moment.. do you cheer your team on even when it a bad game .
so when to much lets see we have i am sure 11 softball games friday , sat and sun this week end as all three girls are playing . we have 5 night off the whole month is that to much ? i am sure later tomorrow i will report more broken hearts or could be great cheer ..
we lost our first game today but my dd pitched a 4 pitch inning with 3 outs .. so that a good start but we lost ..

my son my only boy i can remember when he was born

it was 17 yrs (almost 18 yr ago ) he came three weeks early he was little had the skinniest legs even seen with huge feet on the end of them .. At about three months old we know something was different . the doctors said he had colic and he cried and cried . It funny how you forget these thing but not forgotten . He had many of these in his life . he's toddler years where hard he was busy very impulsive. example he broke his nose and got stitches in his Chin all in one week . they sent us to the special doc they said his Brain just goes faster then his body could go. did i say he was small . so small at like 10 he had a hand scan , brain scan and well million other test to see what size he will be when he grow up .. (he 5 10 now size 91/2 shoe) so not big but nothing wrong with size 150 lb. then we movies to school year . after first year of school we had him dio with fraser here where we started the label which i did not want to do . i felt like i was the worst parent in parent in the world. i failed , i did not know how to parent . school was rough . i never will forget the day the school suggest we might want to find him a different school so he could stop being bulling and he was not easy to handle either so hand in hand that would of been easy for the school . well he made it as he graduating next week and going to college .
He had (i say had as he might have some of these underlining issue but has learn to deal with out with out any meds or extra out side help .anxiety , ADHd , OCD hum i am sure there was a few other over time different doc label him .. he did many things over the years to combat his "issues " therapy , meds , diet . we worked allot on out parenting people ask (as i listen to other living this life ) will ask did therapy help at the time i would say no but looking back i am sure all the the outside help he got help him turn into the Young man he is today .. play therapy , sand therapy ,talk therapy . i was thinking what about how i explain how it helped this young child but the only way to explain it , it is someone that does not love them or hate them , is not Happy for them or anger at them .. it that person job . and what every they do or say i think in long run helped and made him the child he is today.. i feel i am blessed with him .. so far the first 18 yrs have been pretty good , even with the ups and down of our life ....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This is my life of 4

wow it been almost 18 years i have been a mom . my baby will be 18 in july . He's leaving for college in a few months . It can not be i am only like 28 right ?well not ! also have my first daughter me she a freshman going into 10th grade next year wow . Then my girls they are 10 months apart Cathlic twins . 8 and 9 now .. Been ,married to my husban for 16 yr. some days i think how did we get here . I am i living the american dream . 2 1/2 kids , dog and white fence .. is that what suppot to be ? i wonder some time .
My son he a great kid Avage student , a little unmotivated but know where he going and kind of who he is ..
my oldest daughter she a well round A student (little mommy brag 4.00) sport player , plays softball all year , made versity team this year and also for next year made cheer comp versity .(which she has declind and will play basketball instead )
my middle daughter very gift child , but at time hard to handle as she is so smart . also she want to grow up so fast , like share , wear a bra ,likes boys (make my head spin)she did skip a grade this year and still tested top of her next years class (another mommy brag )
my baby she 8 loving child with a temper . she just average also like my oldest but they are really easier to get a long with . easy going caring ..
so that my life
sorry for mommy brags as i am sure i forget to brag sometimes as i feel this jobs so hard and stressful that i forget .....
i am pround of each one of them and how thye are turning out . even when i am mad and scaird for them ..
i am blessed they are heathy , i think mostly happy as teens and preteen can be ..