mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Thursday, January 28, 2010

when do you stop steping in .. how old is to old

my son a way at college 18 only (hear that only hint hint ) so he has some grant money and small load for school . so i want to set a budget for him , rent paid books and classes . so food and gas and saving and spending money . so where the line and what happen if he cannot follow it ? where my line . how do i help him make better choices then i have in my life . my whole life money i have had issues . why i really don't spend tons on me (i have not bought a new pair of jean for hum 9 yrs when my last dd was born (i mean i bought stuff really cheap clearance , or used ) so i am not running ran in the 90's clothes . well most anyway lol
so i just want to move his money to saving give him a budget allowance sort of but it is his money really
chastity what you think ? you think we all want to teach our children this . my daughter school had assembly on it today . Good Catholic high school ! but i worry all the talk in the world would of listen if i want to ? how do you believe a 16 yr old . you think and hope she got so much going for her a great high school , great grade and a great athlete to help get into a college she wants . does she know one lousy night could be l ost in that minute ? so what do we do as a parent. i was a smart kid and when i decide i was ready to have personal relationship i went and got birth control (smart in some ways dumb in others ) another fine line i never wanted to be a dumb blind mom or a mom that walks around with blinder not there for my children ..

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pity party on me i am feeling

that sum it up ! just feeling stressed , a lone and i am trying to look at all postive in my life and i truly think for most part make our own bed ! make our own chocies . mostly i am ok with chocies . i have and would not change a lot . not even sure what i change .
ok i am talking in circle just going to have my pitty party and be over soon

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

my youngest daughter

i am a proud mommy . she has this friend for a while now and she final told her she not her friend anymore and she needs to stop calling my sister names . she stood up for her sister . i have always told my kids you might not always have mom and dad but you will have your sibling longer . i always hope they will be close and most time back fired on me . they fight , dont respect each other and well not close . i mean my girls are close not by choice they are 10 month a part . but sibling love came through once again against a friend ship . this happen Friday or Thursday now last night she said she was friends with this friend but told her she Carnot call her sister name and be mean to her or she wont be her friend . i love that child! it is so her personality .

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My youngest asked ?

my dd 9 asked me what would you be doing now if you did not have child ? wow then she asked what happen if you only had one child ( that mean my only child would of been 18 and i have empty nest so to speak done being a mom 24/7 .
first let me stay if you don't know me personal i would have a huge family many kids even more then 4 if it was a different time ( and well i could truly afford more and still give them what i give them today ) and live the way we live i am pretty happy with my life . I also must say i truly believe things happen for reasons and i would not change anything because my self or my kids would not be who they are and my life would not be my life if it did not happen . But ever said she said this i have wondered a little and thought .
by the way none of my kids want to have 4 kids and one or two but no more and my child all have different ideas . like my son i can see getting married having a child or two very simply life . oldest dd makes me laugh she going to have one child later in life would never pay for private school and all we do . she say . middle daughter of course has it planned out having twins or two children boy and girls , both will go to private school , of course she going to be rich ! she say .
i think if i did not have kids my job would be different but i have to say i make ok money and i love my job so ok glad it happened . (i went to quit 10 yrs ago right before my middle was born then had her now still can not see leaving my job . so i am glad i had them one reason of course there many .
i really can not think what i be doing i mean i make jokes with them honesty tho i said i be working . i Carnot even think life with out my kids , i might be able to finish a book or do a craft project and well have a lot more money lol but again i would never change a thing..
i have made many mistakes as a mom but i hope my goodness shine through and they will see some day i make best i can and hope my best is good enough and they some day know being a parents not easy and they will do a little better then i did .

Thursday, January 21, 2010


i just seem never to have enough time to have a clean house , work , shopping , go to all kids event maybe even a little volunteering . and sleep hehe i just seem not to be able to get everything done i want to in a week . how do parents of more then one child work and do all that needs to be done . i am the solo shopping for all the food , clothes well everything . i would say i am the solo of everything but that a different subject lol . i make sure my kids only in one sport at a time so we don't over run that an under statement with three at home still . sometimes it over whelming on what all needs to be done and there left to do ?

Friday, January 15, 2010

i love my life

but boy never enought time in a day and i 2nd guess my self with my children . even when is is good for them . why do i feel guilty saying no to my children i always feel bad and 2nd guess my self ..
i know in my head they need to be told no ,
my two middle dd need to be very busy ,love to be busy if not they are not them self . oldest wants a friend sleep over but it been final week for her and had 4 hockey practice , 2 hockey games , 2 to 4 softball games and pitching this week . she needs some down time so i said no but i felt bad she has not seen this friend for a while , she does not have sleep over a lot she needs a social life ....
our oldest as he only son did not play sport like girls so i always felt bad when i tell him no (i do with all them ) but i gave in sometime even when i know i shouldn't .. dont get me wrong he a great kid , but we dont want to over indulge our children ? what is indulged children .

- permissive or kind: tending to be tolerant and generally allowing people to have what they want

with our oldest we worked hard giving him self skills to control behavior and impulses .

Sunday, January 10, 2010

When you want more for your children then you had

If and four most i wanted my children to break the addiction cycle . yes i come from a line of addiction people, but i am talking in a smaller scent i think . just a better life , easier life ? not that my life was bad and my mom a great friend of mine and i love my dad dearly so i am close to my parents and my family and they mean the world to me ..
But when is to much , example we have chosen and a family desion to send our oldest to private high school . we have also family choose to let our children play traveling sports . do clinic , and other things that go with all these things . lots of money ,my oldest cost us to play school ball all year with out the traveling cost around the amount of 2500 a year then add around 3000. traveling cost plus equipment . so we figure around 6grand a year one one child . then add two more not that much yet .
OK back to wanting our children to have a better life so my middle daughter getting ready to go to middle school and she want to play instrument , now i was not allow to (i don't have any music talent by the way ) but either does this child of mine but i could not play one as my parents where not committed to me that way or had the money to spend on one . so do i let my child to try it . (i am going to check it out wed., at school night and we will see )
but my real thought and question is when does it stop , where the line . how far do we go to give to our children ?
i mean my child don't get everything they want , did not get everything on there Christmas list are not allowed to ask for things at store . so am i doing that line ..
why is parenting a line or isn't it ?