mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Monday, September 28, 2009

Why can't we have a perfect world for our kids

Heart Breaks ! my son having issues with his room mate he told me today his room mate hates him .(makes me want to cry ) i thought they where great roommates now one hates him . they will be together for next two years in same programs and same classes . they wont have to room next next year together . he seems so nice when we moved in and so does did his mom . i hope they make it livable for the next semester and 1/2 . i want that prefect world for my kids and them not have to see the ugly of the world .

Sunday, September 20, 2009

How i love my kids (children ) but some time you can not take there pain way

These are little pain this week but still hurts a mom the same as big pain . oldest daughter sick , you worry never know . youngest struggling with school and i want to save her , blame the teacher she had last two year . she not struggling like cannot do the work but it so much and her immature nature comes out .oldest so well working there school on new level , leveling at new lever l . by the way i am much more at easy these days my anxiety is not to bad . just try not to think to much lol you know you just want them all to be happy , finds happy and have a better life then i have ?? to much to ask (ohyah not that my life hard or anything ) i believe i am truly blessed with a good husband , home ,job and healthy kids . so home much more can i need or want .
but to watch any hurt it hurts we can not always fix the issue or even some times make it easy . sometimes they will need to live thought it all .
i am very proud of all my children also so anything to be blessed .

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I was just thinking how did i want to raise my children

i have thought of this many times over the years . what important things i wanted to give my children , things like working together , family first , well god then family . your sibling will always be there but mom , dad and friends might not be . team work as a family , helping around the house , family time important i try to always have dinner as a family matter what we are all doing teens needs to be home at 530 to eat with us . we do movie night and game night where we focus on just the kids .
now dont get me wrong my kids i think are a little over spent on , all play sports . i wonder tho what have i taught my kids about money and what important in live . if ask one of my 9 yr old she going to buy her kids tons and everything . ask my 15 yr old daughter she would never buy new cars , never pay for private school for her kids (she thinks i will ha not !) see that in writing .
my son he follow his dreams , Passion and love so i say good for him , no he will never be rich as a police officer . but if it makes him happy more power to him . my baby child say she going to stay in our house and we are going to move out . (possible not a bad idea in 20 yrs she be 29 then she could buy it from us ) possible we will see .
i hope they are all happy and find things that bring them happiness and i taught them money does not always . i want to them all to be self supporting and just know truly what important in life and it not that new pair of 100 shoes or new car make you better .
love peace and happiness

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are you sad Summer coming to End !?

i know possible a bad mom but i am happy for everyone getting back to school and routines . i love routine i am a routine person and planner and i think school good for kids .and mom hehe . i think they are sot of excited . oldest started Tuesday and girls start next Tuesday . i am counting the days no school age in childcare . My day will become easier . i love them to death but it not my reason staying in childcare i stay in childcare because i like my job and i make good money . i do think the kids need more more the older they are them when preschoolers . so i would not change my job There is huge draw back doing childcare and having kids . i am excited all school supplies are bought , shoes and clothes and open house done . we are all set . so what to do for our last week end (we also have no softball ) i think Dh working part of it tho . i really need a whole day to clean and a whole day to my self and a whole to do something fun with the girls so we will see if i can plan it all out and everyone get what they need .

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

ok so i know how to get my son to email me back

i email on Sunday night to see how is week end going ect
then no answer so i email him today and told him i have a new phone for him and guess what i got email from him right back lol . it work to know if he was ok
so i have anxiety each week end he gone . i keep thinking maybe we did not expose him to enough . i know we have taught him are values and morals . talked about sex and drugs , peer pressure what the risk are, now have to let go and let him fly ..
oldest daughter started school today i think it went good . i can not wait for the other two start next Tuesday . yahoo ......two down two to go . a little sad my babies are getting old 9 now and going into 4 th and 5th grade other two are a 10th grader and a son in college . i am really not that old you know can not be .