mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

so i only have one trick or treat'er now . she is cute .. I do like the Holiday but have mixed feels about it in teaching my children . I don't see anything wrong with having a little fun dressing as a puppy , princess or your fav charter or even angel . We have tried over last 19 years to say away from guts , gory and witches now adays wizard and so forth . We live in our neighbor hood also 20 years so we know everyone and been doing this a long time . sometimes only time i see these neighbor anymore as their children have grown up / We have some neighbors that all go out ,tons of lights ,music,fog 6ft trees light and these blow up things . They the adults dress and give the children candy . I have to say i enjoy that also deco out in all fall with 6ft pumpkin .

Friday, October 29, 2010

I Thank God each night

That he walks with my children as they may not always walk with him . When they could be lead a stray . You hear about horrible things and not so good things . My daughter Nicole is 16 a jr a whole life a head of her .. She had an old friend have a baby this summer wow here parent kicked her out . Sad thing is when my daughter was friends maybe 3/4 or so with her you know she was going to be trouble when she was older . Her dad was abusive and there was something wrong with mom could never point to what but i would say drug but i did not . Dad was so strike AS his kids was never going to be the one that got prego and guess what . she did and they kick her out not really sure how she doing living with other old friends family i heard last . Then yesterday i heard of another family from our church friends with my daughter years ago like 8and 10 year ago just had a baby also i think she like 17/18 . Worst the boyfriend babies daddy got mad at baby mom went into the house she was living in her parents house and burnt it down . they lost everything house will be fix but killed their cat and dog and everything gone baby six week old . so so sad .
Oh brings me back to my children my god .. This last family was a good christen family they grow up in our
church with my children same Sunday school , retreats family involved ? where's it go wrong why children stray . How do we as parents prevent this . Is there anything we can do ? I think we can but am not sure we can 100% prevent things .
Like i have addiction in my family my children are higher risk and % says one of my four will have addiction issue ? Can i prevent it . I do believe environment over genics so i hope so . But i have to have faith god will guide my children the right path if i do my job .
wow sometime i think 20 years this would of not been me .. I was lucky to survive own teen years let alone survive my own now teens years. Have an 19 year old son and 16 year old daughter and two more daughter behide am blessed everyday for having wonderful children making good choices .

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Behavior Mod ! HELP preteens

Well am still stuck on what to do to help my children to change their behavior of talking back and excepting everything so to speak . And when told no having a fit . My middle daughter and i had it out again today . I know am to nice and hate to take things away from them but they can not be allowed to get away of talking back or yelling at adult . So what to do What to do . Just want to get the point across you know . i might try to take internet off her phone for a while until her behavior changes she can show she behavioring . she like faces book .

Monday, October 25, 2010

Do you hear that !

Your right nothing and it rearly happens in my house between my work and 4 children . But today From 9:10 when i sent my youngest to school and one school ager i care for to school until 3:15 when my oldest daughter Nik came home it was nothing not one child talking to me . I was not sure i could still hear after that . Nope i did nothing great with my time . I did running around , meet my mom for lunch then came home and sorted coupons and watch a soap and looked on the computer then it was time to pick youngest up from school and wait for other daughter to take to Doc for some boaster shots . It Going to be a wonderful week !

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Am Really Struggling with Gratetfulness !

And it not my gratefulness !! it my middle Daughters two of them . I always thought i taught my children to be grateful as things can always be worst . We love what we get and have . Thankful ! Where did i go wrong ? am actual trying to come up with some behavior mod ideas for them two. Now my oldest does a lot of service work and i actual think she work with inner city kids when she older in her field of work . So i think she gets it but it one of these thoughts like it never could be me .. Well i know it could be me .. or i don't take for granted for what i have . i know i was not born with these thoughts or understanding . She going on mission trip over spring break , she serve meal at soup kitchen , teach children in the city but still not sure she gets it .
Am just frustrated no thanks you (which i know being a parents is the most thankful job i can do with out pay ) and upset way they talk to me . just except everything done , get everything . i have to say they dont necessary ask for things it more sport and school stuff not clothes or toys so to speak .But still frustrated ... I try to teach my children a balance in life and hum these two dont seem to get it .

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

College College everywhere

Wow so my Daughter Nicole is a Jr looking at school really hitting it hard finding a few she might be interested in going to and possible playing ball for . So we have to visit this week one Friday and one Saturday and she already got a list of more to go see . she seen two late this summer also . She been sending out recruitment letter to coach's two come watch her play and making copies of her dvd . amazed at all she doing . Our son he was simply picked a school easy to get into did care to look at other school even though i made him and went ....... As a freshman . Oh i just feel bad for kids today and what they pay for college . 45,000 a year really why ? now lets look at public versus private . she wants private and am mostly with her the money is better on scholarships and she wants a small school with small classes . But is it all worth 20grand more ? i think this is going to be a long road a head of us . She wants to take the time sit in on classes , see what college life like at these school , talk to students gezz not sure i did that much when i got married ... Stay tune it going to a long next year .

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ok my Tantrum over

Do you think adults through tantrums ? As they are just leaving for there 6plus hour drive at 6pm tonight to get home at midnight and all have school and work tomorrow as Dani and i are in the warm house in our pj vegging until bed . My Son back on train to school and i made her french toast for dinner as her request . so i vegging reading blogs and face book . Watching tv and sorting coupons for week yah hoo .. After church with her Gmas and took First communion we went to b-fast then got her ears piece (again ) she let them close up. Ok i feel bad for the girls and R has a head ach she said and really stressed and tired ..
To a great week .............

Saturday, October 16, 2010

So i didnot post early as i was ..............

A bitchy or bitch . or should say Jealous . I Did not get to go out of town with my husband , oldest and middle daughter . My youngest is making First communion . Now she could of took it in two weeks again but i decide it be better to take it this Sunday with her group . We had this trip planned for months and my oldest and dh had to go she was playing in a college show case in ILL. So hum home with youngest (which is nice ) instead of stay in hotel , eating out all week end going to a catered dinner at a mansion . Hum i racked leaves for some hours today . Dani and i did have a nice time shopping last night and grabed dinner . Then she helped with yard today ,then we went to ball she had a great game . Now getting ready to go to bed and up early for church .. Iam done being pissed or jealous but i had one of these week . I though dh should of stayed with both girls home but that me .hehe
Jealous i s not a feeling i like . I to be greatful for what right in front of me and not push for things i dont have ..

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sun will come out torrow ..................

Having one of these days and i guess it goes back to last my post. Mommy taking care of her self .. It been a crazy week and am feeling neglected and deprived . OK i know sound bad and selfish but us as mommy never seem to be .. Like i said long week started off with cold sinus issue and i feel like everyone coming after me for something money and time which hello i dont have any of these .. I love everything i do . I love my kids sports , I love there school each one of the kids are important , i love my job but hello i need a hair cut and should not feel bad about it and taking it . It not just that it just one of these nights . As it is night am off to bed ..

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Moms Taking care of your self

So do we get lost in today's world being a mom . For years i was good good taking care of my self or i thought i was . Before the girls came along when i just had Aaron and Nik i have girls week end a few times a year . once a week out with girls friends and i keep it up pretty much until the girls where 5 years . Or When i started back to school can not remember as you see it was a while ago girls are now 5 and 10 years old . What happen the girls got bigger and busier so i think i though i did not need as much time .
I once upon time i love to craft , loved school and would go play bingo with the girls .. But now i dont even take the time or money to get a hair cut . Finish a book . Between work which i love , kids which i love being a mom it does not see enough time or money left for me .. Let along the energy to do it .
This all came about as another blog which inspires me decide to make some changes and i call it work on her self possible and so as i follow her journey i thought i should take a look at my self .

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Friday ...

The week went fast but it was busy and i have another one coming . and a crazy week end ..
it will be interest my younger dd's will play dome ball and possible wont play there normal spots so we see how they all handle that . am looking forward to wonderful weather .
Oldest dd has homecoming ours is not foramal but a nunch of girls(maybe a few boys) go out to dinner before football game , then to dance (or possible bowling ) then all doing a sleep over at someone house . i always worry i remember when i was 16 . She a great kid but still worry .
Have a great one ..............

Monday, October 4, 2010

11 years ago this time i was in labor .....................

Tomorrow my daughter Randi Marie will be 11 . We did not think we where having anymore children . We had a son 8 and daughter 5 already . we wanted a third but it just never happen . Then i decide i wanted my migraine to be gone and went to doctors and more doctors and got lots of drugs mostly hormones and well guess what the side effect of these hormones "Randi ."...
She will be 11 tomorrow she was born at 850am in the morning . I started labor today i think a Monday also after i went to doctor they thin the cervix so i could have her soon . she was 38 weeks i can not carry complete full term the way my cervix sit (they say ) .
She was never an easy baby ... she had a hormone issue as a new born ?? and we had to bath her like 4x a day in baking soda , then her first Christmas we spent every day at children she had RSV . (she never got it again tho) then she got reflex about 4 months to 8 months . More drugs , more feeding , uncontrolled crying, special sleep position. That sum the first year.
Wow wonder why she not an Easy preteen .
She has turn into a smart , beautiful 6Th grader this year . Talented softball player , basketball player (likes tennis and volleyball also) . She plays the violin this year also . She loves friends , texting , face book and shopping for clothes ...
She is the middle child so she between two sister and a older brother . She very independent maybe cause of this .She loves to be active . never stop , does like her sleep always early up and early to bed . She eats she a whole 64 lb and can eat any teen boy under table . but will eat a huge steak or 3 pork chops and all meal fixing no problem then have a snack .. she just burns it all off . I guess !

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I was told i would blessed with a daughter like me (meaning it was not always going to )But be a blessing more a pain in A** or a pay back . But three really what was god thinking . I do thank him each day (truly ) But am having some issue .One Teen and two preteens .
First i will say and still can see .... am thankful for 4 healthy children, great value and morals , they stay true to self . all good grade , stay out of trouble am very lucky .
Then coming to my frustrated lets start with youngest she a name caller to her sister and i want it to stop , which then cause huge fights with the two of them . I say she also disrespectful also to her sister and us . Middle child right now has no respect for us . I mean she not as bad "yet" of the kid you hear curse at there parents or anything . But she talks back and has crossed the line acting like a total spoiled brat and thinking on telling us what to do . let alone tantrum she has (which i think part she can not help but has to learn to handle them ) she has strong signed as gifted child and behavior issue are part of it . But she needs to respect adults and also learn to deal with this behavior . My oldest can you say spoiled i think .. she would not drive my van to mall when meeting some friends because she don't like my van .REALLY !!!!!