mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Monday, October 26, 2009

ok i almost feel the pit in my tummy

i feel bad as it not my kids fault i had 4 kids ! hehe is it ?
ok basketball season just hit and here we go 3 play all three girls
three teams
mean 4 days a week practice and 2 games Friday night that the little girls then add
nik everyday after school practice until 5 , games a few times a week and a few sat , then sat morning two of three have pitching practice with a coach for softball and then Sunday oldest has softball
life over how we knew it for a month . i feel bad thinking i dont want to . it not there fault there 4 of them or three now at home .
add church Sunday morning , Sunday school Sunday night rehearsal for dance at church , thurs after school chorus church oh yah after Sunday school they singing in another chorus

now that sounds bad but if it was x one not so much we do limit one sport preseason and church but it just x three sorry no other why
then add school things , girls scoot and friends . hum me cleaning house cooking and shopping
makes my head spin thinking tummy sick thinking
ok done whinny
i love them

Saturday, October 24, 2009

i know life got a way from me

i think to post as it great for me but then it just get away from me and rather deal with it with my self
where to start. omg my kids i am sue would kill me if they know that why i write here then on face book or somewhere else
oldest my baby boy hehe 18 away at college and well not doing bad i know could be tons worst and he not the first this happen to but he had to drop English he failing and to late to make it up . hello you need this class no way around this class kid and 500 flushed ! omg ok i breath now and see how this all plays out . now i am just praying he is passing all other classes . can you say kick your butt kid .
my first daughter my blue eye Blondie , smart dating can i wish her to date a nice guy . she kind of but i worry he to nice and well she wont like him he could be to good . she went to the movies with him today and he paid wow and she asked him to Sadie's dance at her school girls ask the guy you know . so we will see
small world here tho we know his family . my husband grow up with his mom , she a teacher around here and 1/2 kids we know had her as a teacher and she tutored my son and brother when they where in 4th and 5th grade . small world ..
Randi middle daughter omg this child going to be the life at me not sure what it is but she can push me and dh to the hill .where i feel bad i don't want to be around her as all i want to do is yell . she yells , screams . she fight with everyone in the house . i am not sure how to stop this all . she like her brother in a lot of way she just got over smarts on top of it (a little gifted _)
Dani well she dani still hates bath , homework but she loving caring . lost three teeth in one week crazy
just going alone balance life work , kids marriage ,family and life
all working ok we all healthily , have good roof over our heads and moving forward . no huge bumps today
love it all

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The world wind of my life

All well girls busy . aaron doing well . he a great kid he was daown for nicole confirmation and work with husban on sat and never asked about being paid or how much or i am board as there was not really a lot for him to do he just did it as we asked . school going well i hope his grades are too.
nicole moody crabby 15 year old she start drivers ed tonight and will be done in three weeks only goes three times a week and then will take test right away and get behide wheel then in 6 months tops 7 she be driving which will help us actual so we all for it .
Randi still same wants to grow up and be a teen NO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Dani she good our baby holly cow last two teeth two days in a row lol she also trying to fig all this out about the girl changes . this is big talk in our period, aunt flo ect big talk here.... i keep trying to tell girls they have a few years i amj sure like round 12 .. funny younest ask and worried on things like how will you know , does it feel like u got to pee .. i always feel so bad for these little girls that have to deal with this .. ick well i know part of growning up but why so young . oldest was 12 i mean like 12 birthday poor child happy period day ick ! i wish i could save them for this . Dani youngest funny also wont people know ? will someone make fun of you .. how will you know whenyour getting it .. all the what if poor kid

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ever feel like i can not breath or i am drained

drained , lost falling cannot keep up . this month is crazy why i don't know
here a quick list
out of town three days a week (*last )
1st Communion
Halloween birthday party girls
fundraiser dinner
3 trainings
this is just example of my month just this week
was Randi birthday and dinner out , today Monday
conference 2 Tuesday
work book fair Thursday
softball party wed
home coming nik Friday (mean i need to get her there and back plus friends plus all that goes into going to home coming . making shirt , pants , hang ing with friends to do this and money
confirmation pictures and all that goes with clothes , party etc Saturday
then confirmation and party at my house then guess what i get to wake and start week over
yeah hello i work 50 hours a week and do all cleaning , cooking ,shopping etc aah
then it the next week
my kids wonder why i have to say no . just don't have that many hours in any day or energy .
who does i feel bad
don't get me wrong i would not change a thing just don't know how to keep up .

OK enough of that vent
how about shopping for dress clothes with a 15 yr old girls really i am not sure who worst guys or gals as i have one of each but she really needs dress clothes in her closet ? well we got a sweater and black pants that it so this does not work really for this week end when she need some . she can not wear pants under gown for confirmation but by the time i was done tonight i did not care if she wears basketball shorts ! and really she can no one will know or see but a cute little black shirt be cute but nope !

Randi is ten today wow she in 5Th grade and can not believe how she wants to grow up and how fast kids do . she very little small and no where ready for puberty which i am OK with . she wonders why some at her grade do and she not . well first she a good year or two behide other as she skipped a grade plus she just not ready . i know i wanted to grow up fast when i was a preteen and wish i did not ., i was not ready to grow up . why do we do that ?
well i am tired just need to get it all out and maybe i can think better tomorrow .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mothers how busy are we lol

Really Oct for us should not be crazy softball done right wrong !
first week Friday we are out of town for week end , then first week we have conferences and book fair school stuff . then next week home coming , Nicole confirmation . then we have girls Halloween/ birthday party's . lets see we also have a fundraiser dinner where i need to make baskets for auction and see what else i need to do for it . then next week Halloween and then Randi first commune serous where all this crap come from . oh yeah i love Halloween so i love to deco and plan girls costumes and party but really i need to get through one week at a time . of course works busy , and normal every day life shopping and cleaning hard enough . this all mean shopping for clothes for girls , food and cooking of course cleaning . shopping and get stuff Halloween birthday party . i sometimes feel there just is not enough time in a day to make it . if i could have one wish i want more time so i can feel i get stuff accomplished . The big question is it time ? or something else like ?