mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our we someone Hero

the plea for our friends is called a hero for otto .. finding him a hero . we should no tomorrow . my husband called Monday and she was off today and was told to call tomorrow . my husband has as much anxiety to tell them as i do . we decide we are telling him (them his wife Amy) even if we not his hero. even if we are a go tomorrow (bloods mixing as i call it ) we already are a match then next part even harder (i guess on 3%) chance you find someone . oops lost track Brian has to go through all the physical and metal testing . they make sure he will never need this kidney ever and he physical able to recover and be healthy for a long time plus even might have to do metal testing . could you be someone hero you really don't knows . honesty i am not sure i could . of course i would do it for a family member parents , children sibling but some one you don't know or barley know ? like my husband said i talk to man a few times (us mom talks more of course as we are woman and have common bond being a moms . spent many weekend at a ball park together and my husband with our oldest and so he not always there.
Is my husband their hero . i guess today the person contact person said to tell them as otto body could go anytime . ok enough of that
like talk about college student back living at home ! do i say more going well working i think no he the poor person that delivery million phonebooks to your door step . what a job lots of hard work but pay seems well . so we will see how it goes . how long it last .
almost driving teen say anymore there .... counting days down to school ends .
Peer teens well they are driving me crazy they are both over tired and it driving me crazy.. when did you first shave ? my kind of rules middle school or of course hair under arm well Randi remember a year or two of her peers wants to shave so so bad and ahh i guess i should let her but why have to grow up so early and want to do all these grow up things when you should be playing with dolls and beads still .
well good nite am tired and hope son home soon so we can all be tucked in tight for the night

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