mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

not sure this has to do with mom in today world but this is my life

My husband and will say darling is willing and in the process to give his kidney to some one we don't know well . there i said it . little back ground my daughter play with a girls that her dad is dieing and waiting for a kidney he has had two others one f. one was 15 yrs and other just 6 days and rejected it . he was born with a rare diese and all the meds and other issue his whole body shouting down and starting to fail so he needs one . My husband Brian has decide he will be his donor or if no a good match trade his kidney for one that does . Wow ok i am good , i understand why he doing it and we have as a family talk tons about my husband reason and i sure hope if it was us someone would step up and save my husband , child or my self . we are not worried about any medical issues or him self dying . none of that scares me or him . our kids understand it and now (there friends sister also has this and will need one also ) and my girls say we would give ours to her of course they cant but you get there point .
1# reason he cannot look this family in eye when and if he dies knowing he did not do anything .
2# if it was one of us he hope someone do the same for his family
3# he say he has selfless reason also like he did something with his life and saved someone that is amazing . (as we are goingthrought this process am not sure why more don't )
#4. many more but not getting into them no you understand the point
my only concern is my dh off work and no income for 2 months he does not get paid , not short term . vacation nothing . but that a sacrifice we have to make for another family . we will and can make it through . ..
just wanted it out more to come ............................
The family does not know and i see and talk to them 3 to 5 times a week but we are not sharing this news with Brian family or them at this time .
we did not want to share with them and give them hope as we still in first stage for this process .it weird they don't have to know who gave the kidney . the transplant can not share anything with the family unless we say . i guess so husband could pull out for any reason any time . it weird i was so excited and want to share with this family dh was a match but couldn't . it actual a little creepy as i was looking at this two men on Sunday at our daughters games sitting in out field together watching the game not know what one doing for the other . weird a little . we don't want them to feel like they are tied to us or own us anything ? nothing like that we don't want these feeling tied to it . time will tell and we will see . it like 10 in 100% and we only make it to the first round . oh yah my husband has universal blood so anyone ever need anything you know whereto look (smile )


  1. I am anxious and excited to see this process play out for you guys.....

  2. this is heavy stuff---you are in my thoughts & prayers!
