mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Sunday, January 10, 2010

When you want more for your children then you had

If and four most i wanted my children to break the addiction cycle . yes i come from a line of addiction people, but i am talking in a smaller scent i think . just a better life , easier life ? not that my life was bad and my mom a great friend of mine and i love my dad dearly so i am close to my parents and my family and they mean the world to me ..
But when is to much , example we have chosen and a family desion to send our oldest to private high school . we have also family choose to let our children play traveling sports . do clinic , and other things that go with all these things . lots of money ,my oldest cost us to play school ball all year with out the traveling cost around the amount of 2500 a year then add around 3000. traveling cost plus equipment . so we figure around 6grand a year one one child . then add two more not that much yet .
OK back to wanting our children to have a better life so my middle daughter getting ready to go to middle school and she want to play instrument , now i was not allow to (i don't have any music talent by the way ) but either does this child of mine but i could not play one as my parents where not committed to me that way or had the money to spend on one . so do i let my child to try it . (i am going to check it out wed., at school night and we will see )
but my real thought and question is when does it stop , where the line . how far do we go to give to our children ?
i mean my child don't get everything they want , did not get everything on there Christmas list are not allowed to ask for things at store . so am i doing that line ..
why is parenting a line or isn't it ?

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