mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The world wind of my life

All well girls busy . aaron doing well . he a great kid he was daown for nicole confirmation and work with husban on sat and never asked about being paid or how much or i am board as there was not really a lot for him to do he just did it as we asked . school going well i hope his grades are too.
nicole moody crabby 15 year old she start drivers ed tonight and will be done in three weeks only goes three times a week and then will take test right away and get behide wheel then in 6 months tops 7 she be driving which will help us actual so we all for it .
Randi still same wants to grow up and be a teen NO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Dani she good our baby holly cow last two teeth two days in a row lol she also trying to fig all this out about the girl changes . this is big talk in our period, aunt flo ect big talk here.... i keep trying to tell girls they have a few years i amj sure like round 12 .. funny younest ask and worried on things like how will you know , does it feel like u got to pee .. i always feel so bad for these little girls that have to deal with this .. ick well i know part of growning up but why so young . oldest was 12 i mean like 12 birthday poor child happy period day ick ! i wish i could save them for this . Dani youngest funny also wont people know ? will someone make fun of you .. how will you know whenyour getting it .. all the what if poor kid

1 comment:

  1. our oldest will be 8 in February. With 3 girls I am not looking forward to this at all. It is too bad they have to be women at such a young age. It is scary. Maybe more scary for us moms!
