mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ok one day down .

So father came home and will be recovery .
My fight today was the first day am not going to smoke . Well not really am follow the drug plan so i started the non smoking drug and i cut at least 1/2 the amount i smoke hopeful tomorrow i cut that in 1/2.I refuse to by more . I want to quick . It sad i can not decide the 1# reason to quiet . It sad isn't it sorry i feel guilty . My kids ,my heath . money 50 a week (good thing i don't drink hum )and have no life but my children ,smell , the stigma that goes with smoking . Ahh so many reason i just don't know which one will keep me from going back . Maybe me saying it out loud .

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