mom , mama or mother

mom comes from the word mama or mother :
a woman exercising control, influence, or authority like that of a mother: to be a mother to someone.
the qualities characteristic of a mother, as maternal affection:
someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else;

Sunday, August 8, 2010

well i though many time this week to post but just living in my own world .
busy with work ,busy with back to school shopping . i have two side to this one i am not sure all the over dose of back to shopping .but on other hand i like to get it out of way and not worry for another 6 month or year until someone needs something . (ok with 4 kids never that long with out someone needing something ) i already know in a few month one needs a new jacket for sure and possible another basketball shoes . so my middle daughter was bugging me last few weeks about back to school shopping and well i decide to bit bullet and said 100.00 each little ones so i take three girls shopping one spent all money , other spent 60% or so and other spent her 60% also plus got uniform pants (see this dont count in budget hum their or mine ......... hehe i love to hate uniforms by the way i would say i spend around 200.00 on them plus a few more sprit clothes a year so 300.00 but to hate as i need to buy here everyday clothes as she has dress down days ,week end fun things so we have to buy two sets of clothes.
so here where my heart is torn i love back to school shopping , i think every child deserves to feel good about going back to school and if and it does have to do with looking nice and wearing new items .
so what should be spent on back to school shopping ?
i say 4 kids three and son in college he dont cost much like i buy hair cut, shoes and sock ? that about it for him.
but three girls shoes usually two pairs like running or basketball and everyday . one is usually cheap other kind of spendy . then clothes , uniforms and then school supplies . not sure i want to add ....................
ok now am depressed and nothing in saving this month i see .
i really dont go over board either , one daughter youngest spent all here money one outfit pants , shirt and sweatshirt , other shirt and shoes all for 100 . that just example does anyone else hate spending 40 to 50 for sweatshirts for there kids (these are school ones , sport ones and or name brand ones they all want . ) crazy three sweatshirt 100 or more ..
ok off my rage of school shopping .....................

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! No uniforms for us, so that expense we don't have and Maddie's pretty good at still being okay with Target clothes and such. I do try to buy 2 good pair of tennis shoes for each child though and that can get spendy. I know my feet hurt when I wear cheap shoes, so I don't want them to have that happen. Brendon is so not picky about clotes, I've bought ALL 2nd hand or garage sale stuff for him this coming year so far.

    As far a spirit wear, I let the kids get t-shirts that they can layer with a long sleeved shirt underneath in the winter. The sweatshirts are too much $$!!

    It is crazy what it all costs!!
